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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2016

Personal Description

Hallo My Viewers Blog Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakaatu . Hello my name is Ade Apriatna, and my friend call me ade, but my neighbor call me apri, and just call me ade. I was born in Jakarta, April 9, 1995. My age is twenty (20) years old. I lived in area of Lebak Bulus in Rempoa. I the child to 2 out of 2 siblings, I have one brother. C hildhood I attended MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) 15 BIntaro.  After graduating from the primary school I also continue my school in MTs (Madrasah tsanawiyah) 3 Pondok Pinang, after 3 years in the MTs I also continue my school in Senior High School 87 Jakarta.  After 3 years passed, finally came to me looking for a great College for me, my main focus was initially the College provides faculty German literature, after trying a test of college entrance in several reputable State University I have finally failed, wondered looking campus that fit me, my brother ended up advising me to try list at University of Gunadarma several days later,